Issue #19 - Spine health, Jobs in your 40s, Date With Destiny & Just Ask

Hello friends,

Happy New Year! Thank you so much for your support, reading my Newsletter in 2024. This year 2025, if you see this, you’re in my contact list and I consider you my friends whom I can trust and count on! 🥰 

Welcome to our new newsletter just re-branded so it feels more like me, writing to you, which I enjoy doing. I’m trying to trick my brain into doing things I enjoy here so I can do it more often and naturally! 😄 

1. Health first

Hello 2025, this year is the year I focus on flexibility and feminine energy. I’ve been building a habit of going to the gym and thanks to that, I got some tiny muscle and lowered my fat / muscle rate.

Recently after Tony Robbins event Date with Destiny, I realized I have more masculine energy than I would like. 😂 So I signed up for dance class to have more fun for myself but also train myself to be more flexible, focus on fun but also my spine & joints health. 😁 

Working on a split

I also heard some friend got bad news about their health so a quick reminder again for anyone reading this, go do the check up, if you’re near or in your 40s, it’s worth doing more extensive preventive tests and scan. I wrote about them here. 

I’m lucky that I use Impact Health, super affordable compared to traditional health insurance while giving me $150 in bloodwork every year plus $100 in wellness credit into my deductible. The best thing is I can go to any doctors I want. If my family is sick, I want to bring them to the best doctors just like in Vietnam. 🤗 

You can get a quote for yourself here and reach out if you also need to know more about it!

2. Wealth next

Jobs in your 40s 

My husband is not working for the past 6 months and still looking for a new job. The job market is bad for him right now. Why? He hits the ceiling for salary in his field. Jobs is for young hungry people who’s willing to move across the country and come to office everyday to hang out and socialize and learn. In our 40s, we’re probably too expensive, need more work-life-balance and so high maintenance.

I also noticed he started getting laid off since the time he took parental leave few months after our son is born.

Who here also wants to get out of their W2 and feel like stock market is not fast enough? I hope it’s everyone unless you’re under 21!

I met people who got laid off during 2008 went on to dental school and opened their own dental office. I also met people got burned with 2000 being in stock trading on Wall Street and then 2008 being in the mortgage industry later on went into insurance industry.

They taught me lessons in pivoting.

Pivoting in winter

Prepare Season 7 GIF by Game of Thrones

Winter is coming

Now I’m looking for things that’s not only recession proof, stock market non-related, interest rate non-related, and why not even war proof.

If you think of the season that we’re in, we are in Winter now. That’s why I’m investing my time and money into Tax business. Everyone needs to file tax, no matter what happens that year.

Very low competition: many CPA firms are overwhelmed with clients, they can’t handle all of their clients so can’t really scale, most of them don’t even do marketing or sales.

Fortunately my business partner is someone who’s super experienced, been doing tax for the past 22 years. And I’m the marketing and sales arm of the business.

System is also in place when we work with the right franchise!

3. Growth always

One of my identity that I want to grow into is a Marvelous Marketer, so I’ve been reading a lot of Russell Brunson books. I really want to go to his Funnel Hacking Live this year. But this is the year where I will just focus on working to build businesses and not getting distracted. So I’ll save it for next year.

2024 with trips to Columbia, Vietnam and especially Date With Destiny Event really shaped me. My friend Thien Bui - a very successful network marketer - called me after DWD and asked me give him three takeaways, it was a 100 minutes convo. 🫢 

So if you ever consider going to one of Tony’s events, just go, do it, and bring your spouse!

My husband and I are more aligned on things after DWD!

4. And never stop experimenting

I’m experimenting “JUST ASK”.

It’s hard to ask for a favor, especially with the humility that you feel when you ask, so it’s a challenge for the over-achievers to ask for help!

I have that problem, now is the time to do what feels hard! 😳 

So if I reach out to you and ask for help it means I’m practicing this, please be easy on me!


Sophie Nguyen

Disclaimer: I am not a CPA, attorney, or insurance advisor. Nothing contained within my website, emails, videos, or other content from me constitutes financial, investment, tax, legal, insurance, or other advice, nor should anything contained within this website, emails, videos, or other content from me be relied upon for making an investment or other decision. You should consider obtaining relevant and specific professional advice before making any investment or other decision. If you need such advice, please contact a qualified CPA, attorney, insurance agent, or financial advisor. Linked items may create a financial benefit for Sophie Nguyen.