Issue 20: Mental health, secret to wealth, leadership & huge discovery

Can you imagine your future?

Thank you for your warm response to the last issue. 🤗 

It really warms my heart and makes my day to read the emails you email me back.

Also Happy Lunar New Year to everyone!! 🧧


I was talking to a close friend of mine, she was in an extreme pain after chemotherapy so she thought she would die very soon. She even called her lawyer friend, wanted to update her will since her will is quite old. Of course, the lawyer friend did not answer her phone Friday night. 😞

I remembered the last time I wanted to die. It was at the end of 2018, I just came back from traveling to Tulum and then Vietnam by myself. When I was in Vietnam, I experienced hopelessness feeling the disconnection and a lot of resentment between my mom and my younger sister. 😬

Those years were rough between them. My mom went through my divorce plus a couple of surgeries with her back without me being nearby, so she was in a sickness and in a victim mental space. My sister was in a financial crisis, she made a lot of mistakes financially, destroyed many relationships by that and at the same time going through a divorce. They were my only family on earth.

I was lying on my bed in the apartment I love in the West Village contemplating the idea of disappearing into the unknown (dying). And that’s it! After 7 years in New York, at least I got to die in a lovely apartment with a backyard where I had a hammock, could even grow some vegetables on and throw some parties.

My apt backyard in the West Village

And then I remember, oh my God, what about Cam, my best friend, who told me that I was the only person who could understand her and that’s why she feels understood and loved. I was imagining the pain that she would go through and it’s too much for her. 😭

I was kind of sure that my mom and my sister would be fine and would be still in their own mental space focusing on their own pains and their own sufferings anyway. I bought a term life insurance when I found out that I would be the only one my mom relies on, so my mom will be okay financially and will use that money to help my sister, like she always did. My wonderful business partner at that time at the restaurant would be doing well with it. 🙂

Just my best friend Cam, I can’t really imagine her pain. Because if it was me, I would be so traumatized. So I decided to snap out of that and live on. So guys, be a great friend, because great friends save lives!! 👯‍♀️

Met Cam when I visited Vietnam last year

And then I meditated on the idea of why and what keeps human live on and live on passionately. I had the answer for myself, is to nurture and raise and lift another human. So I decided that I would need to have a kid before I’m 45 to live on and live on passionately. So I went online to register myself to look at some sperm banks. 🫢 

I didn’t know that I would meet the love of my life Sasha in just 6 short months after that. 🥰

I didn’t know that I would go through a pandemic and one of my best friends’ death with Sasha by my side. 😞

I didn’t know that I would build a real estate empire and became a millionaire like I dreamed of. It was 2008, I was broke, living in a basement in Korea, I finally read the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad and put on a vision board: - Move to the US - Become a Millionaire. 🤯

I could have never dreamed of the day like today just 6 years ago.

See how bad we are imagining our future?

Today, I got to live with the love of my life, have a wonderful son and my mom and my sister are living with me and we all feel so loved.

Thank you for not giving up on me, Sophie of 2018. 😭

So if you see me on social media with my lovely family, it was not always like that.

I used to be so broke and I was so broken and traumatized by relationships when I found Sasha - the love of my life. 😅

In my direct family, relationships with my mom, my sister were not the best.

My full happy family now


The secret to wealth to me is kind of simple now: Do the impossible, uncomfortable, hard things!

And no, working hard is not the answer, it’s doing the hard things, over and over again and it becomes so easy that you can go on and do a lot of it while other people can’t even imagine doing it yet! 🥹

The 1% rich get there by doing the uncomfortable things that the 99% would not do. They just decided to. 🚀

There are so many information on how to build wealth, but nobody can do it for you, just you can do it for yourself, and it’s always extremely hard at the beginning.

You can blame everything and everyone else on why you can’t.

Or you can decide to take on the challenge, do the hard things, and get wealthy.


Want someone to grow into the direction that you want?

You go first. Be the leader. Leaders lead by doing!

I went to the gym so my husband and my mom started to go to the gym. 🙌🏼

The power of influence is in what you do, not what you say.

My child started to do push up when he saw me doing push ups. 🥰

He sits and meditates when he saw me meditate.

I did not have to tell him to.


I just found Dr Joe Dispenza guided meditation podcasts and everyday I sit and meditate with those.

I woke up early with my son’s feet on my face anyway. 😳 

But Dr. Joe Dispenza is a Huge Discovery!! I was a scientist who loves to manifest.

His thing is a confirmation of what I always know about the power of the mind and the power of meditation but never can articulate or prove to anyone.

If you don’t know who Dr Joe is, check out this documentary film:

Spend that $30, it will change your life, forever.

I’m also listening to his book Becoming Supernatural on Audible.

And when I hit the target cashflow per month I currently have for my business, I’ll go to his retreats, like all the time! 😋 

More on that later!

With Love and Gratitude,

Sophie Nguyen

Disclaimer: I am not a CPA, attorney, or insurance advisor. Be an intelligent human and obtain relevant and specific professional advice before making any investment or other decision.